Electronic Document Exchange with

For the exchange of orders, delivery notes and invoices with its suppliers, PRO-DOMA, SE prefers a structured electronic form of these documents. Thanks to this, it will be possible to achieve faster and more accurate transfer of documents, their automatic processing and the elimination of errors that arise when working with data manually.

Do you cooperate with PRO-DOMA, SE?

The next step is to set up the mutual exchange of business and logistics documents. To exchange documents in a structured electronic format, you can choose between the EDI solution ORiON provided byus, or use your current EDI solution and connect to PRO-DOMA through that.

Do you have your own EDI solution?

If you are using EDI already, you can easily connect with PRO-DOMA and start exchanging electronic documents.


Is EDI a new thing for you?

Not using EDI yet? Never mind. Register at the webEDI portal, courtesy of PRO-DOMA, and simplify your document exchange.


If your EDI solution is already in place, fill out the form that follows.
In case you are not using EDI yet, opt for "We want webEDI".

EDI Communication Registration

Basic Information

Contact details of responsible persons

Technical Information

Děkujeme za váš zájem, brzy se vám ozveme.
Během odesílání se něco pokazilo, zkuste to prosím znovu.

What is EDI?

EDI, or electronic data interchange, is a modern way of communication between business partners, during which commercial, logistics and other documents (e.g. orders, delivery notes, invoices and others) are exchanged electronically in structured formats. No more e-mailed PDFs and no more rewriting documents manually.

Are you interested in more detail about how EDI works and what it can bring to your company? More information can be found on this page.

EDI Communication Registration

Děkujeme za váš zájem, brzy se vám ozveme.
Během odesílání se něco pokazilo, zkuste to prosím znovu.

PRO-DOMA, SE contact person

Jana Ebenstreitová
e-mail: jana.ebenstreitova@pro-doma.cz

Zuzana Sládková
e-mail: zuzana.sladkova@pro-doma.cz

Customer support of GRiT

The supplier of EDI communication services for PRO-DOMA, SE is GRiT, a company that provides comprehensive services including the integration of suppliers.

e-mail: podpora.orion@grit.cz
tel.: +420 553 610 317

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